Coordinates: 42 ° 42'22 "N 43 ° 47'35" E / 42.70611, 43.79306 El Paso de Mamisón (en: Mamison pass - Mamisonski pereval; en osetio: Mamysons of æfèæ - Mamysony æfsæg; en georgiano : მამისონის უღელტეხილი - Mamisonis ughelzejili) - a passport at 2911 meters from the altitude of the cruise to the monument to the Cacock in the area of Gran Cacoso.
The pass makes a border between Georgia and Russia from the valley of the Ardon River in the Rioni River valley. Through this step runs the historic Osetio Military Road, which linked the Georgian city of Kutaisi with Ardón, in the vicinity of Vladikavkaz, in Russia.