"Two for the Road" (titled "Two on the Road" in Spain and "Two on the Road" in Spanish America) is the twentieth episode of the second season of the television series Lost. Jack and Kate transport an exhausted Michael to the camp, who gives news about the reality of The Others. Ana Lucia is attacked by Henry Gale and thinks about killing him, and Hurley prepares his appointment with Libby. The flashback is centered on Ana Lucia Cortez. plot
Ana Lucia visits Henry Gale, who has started a hunger strike and refuses to talk to his captors. In the exchange of dishes, he trusts, which Henry uses to attack and try to kill her, which would have been effortless if it was not for the appearance of Locke with his crutches. The lost decide to tie Gale hand and foot.
Michael has returned and after spending a few hours unconscious and badly wounded, he wakes up to tell his friends that after a lot of wandering around the island, he finally found the place where the Others live. Michael describes a village where they live like animals, without hygiene, without comforts and almost without clothes, although he knows that they have another hatch and it is possible that this is where they have Walt. Michael has returned to obtain weapons and the help of his friends with the intention of planning an ambush against them, an idea that seduces Jack.
Hurley plans a surprise picnic with Libby, although everything ends up being a little disaster when he does not find his way.
Ana Lucia is not willing to repeat the incident with Henry and therefore gets a gun from Sawyer with the intention of killing the prisoner, as it is useless. Meanwhile, Henry has his own plans, among which includes rolling a little more Locke's head in his search for answers. And, even if Henry is tied hand and foot, he still has allies close to him willing to do his dirty work. Michael convinced by The Others, frees Henry by killing Ana Lucia and then accidentally by Libby. Other chapters