Member countries of the Cairns Group.
In 1986, a group of producing and exporting countries of agricultural products met in the city of Cairns, Australia.
Currently the group comprises 20 countries: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, South Africa, Thailand, Uruguay and Vietnam
The aim of the Cairns Group is to liberalize international trade in food products. They call for the elimination of the most distorting export subsidies and subsidies ("amber box" subsidies). They also call for greater ease of entry of their products into the markets of the United States, Japan, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland and the European Union.
At WTO meetings (currently under the Doha Round), these countries tend to have a single stance, and sometimes work together with the developing countries of the G-20 (led by Brazil, India and China). < / p>