The Mána þáttr Íslendings ("Máni of the Icelandic") or Mána þáttr skalds ("The poet Máni") is an þáttr that appears in the Sverris saga (manuscript AM 327 4 °). It evokes the Icelandic scalde Máni, one of the court poets of the Norwegian king Magnús Erlingsson.
The þáttr first quotes a lausavísa in which the scalde calls for a favorable wind, which earned him a tunic as a reward from the king.
He then returns to the meeting of Máni and Magnús. On his return from Rome, the poet presented himself to the king. He had the appearance of a beggar, but nobly greeted Magnus, who asked him to recite a poem. Máni chose Útfarardrápa from Halldórr skvaldri, who evokes King Sigurðr Jórsalafari, grandfather of Magnús. The poem was very well received. He then composed two stanzas on the king's madmen, which aroused great hilarity. So he entered the king's company. edit code