Ultra Azul was a Mexican bar that emerged in the 1980s in Mexico, D. F., by Cruz Azul fans, who had lived with Hooligans in Europe. Which took those ideas to your country. History
It started in the 1980s in Mexico City, Mexico, because they considered that there were no passion groups supporting the Cruz Azul, similar to the South Americans and Europeans. At the end of the nineties they adopted the name "The Blue 12 Ultra Bar". His greatest years of activity were between 1984 and 1997, which were marked with connotation in the stadiums.
During 2000 they were marked by popular low, decrease, disorganization and stagnation, which would give rise to the group L.S.A., where several former members adopt less radical positions. This may be due to the fact that the age of its members ranged from 30 years onwards and because the firm was not affiliated with or close to the board, which would probably mark its extinction and absorption of its members towards La Sangre Azul. Currently the faction is considered politically anti-fascist Hooligans von Blue Cross fan, as his heirs. Ideology
The Left marked the trend of these ultras, since their Firm was commonly called "Proleta", as well as the use of pictures with characters such as Che Guevara or Emiliano Zapata and anarchist and communist symbols. Being its cooperative structure, similar to the team of their loves.