Bram van den Beek

Bram van den Beek (1946) is emeritus professor of symbolism at the Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. biography

Prof Dr A. (Bram) van de Beek, reformed dogmatician, was professor of Symbolic at the VU in Amsterdam from 2000 until September 2010. From 2005 to 2008 he was also dean of the Faculty of Theology at the VU. He is considered to be a leading Dutch theologian who reshapes the orthodoxy in his dogmatic series "Speaking of God". Striking is his explicit use of patristics, especially the pre-Nice fathers. This results in his strong emphasis on Christ visible in the form of the cross (suffering) that "absorbs entire theology." Motive of suffering

An important part of his thinking is the struggle with suffering in the world. In 1984 he wrote the book Why? about suffering, guilt and god. But also in his later works (eg Justice more than God (1992), Jesus Kurios (1998), Tense Love (2000), The Circle of the Messiah (2002), One Person makes the difference )) we see this theme coming back. At Van den Beek, the question of suffering becomes the unavoidable reality of the world. We must not satisfy ourselves with temporary escape attempts at this. The world is not workable. On this side of history, in the world, we as Christians must satisfy ourselves with Christ as suffering, as the crucified who is with us. We live in faith and awaiting completion of the correction of injustice and suffering.

His newest book is Body and Spirit of Christ. Theology of the Church and the Holy Spirit (2012) made a lot of discussion within theological circles. Among other things, because he advocates protestants returning to the "mother church", the Catholic Church under the authority of the bishop of Rome.
