Zapandí was an indigenous king of Costa Rica, whose dominions were at the mouth of the homonymous river, now called Tempisque, and were visited by the conquistador Gil González Dávila in 1522. The count made by the treasurer of the expedition, Andrés of Cereceda, it mentions it with the name of Sabandi or Sabandí and only indicates that it resided to five leagues of distance of Nicoya and to four of Corobicí.
For his part, the chronicler Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, who visited the region of Nicoya in 1529, says that from the Nicoyan Gulf "the tide rises three leagues down the river called Zapandi, which is in the butt in order to this gulf; and there is a cacique who has the name of the river and is also called Zapandi. "