Maho-tsukai is a term used in The Legend of the Five Rings (Oriental Role Playing Game) to denote individuals who use blood magic.
A Maho-tsukai (Maho's thrower) is a user of the magic of blood. Unlike the other Shugenja of Rokugan, the maho-tsukai do not draw their power from the elements (Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Void), but benefit from the power yielded directly by the dark kami Fu-Leng. For this they must sacrifice a quantity of blood according to the power acquired; this blood does not always have to be hers, so it's common to have it drawn from other sources.
The use of this type of magic rots the maho-tsukai inside, falling before Fu-Leng to the point of ending their lives.
The use of maho (or blood magic) is forbidden in the Rokugani Empire by the Emperor for generations. Even so, users of this power exist. To control its use there are some orders with the obligation to hunt them, such as the Isawa Inquisitors, and the Kuni Witch Hunters.
The most famous maho-tsukai in history is Iuchiban, who came to check the entire emerald empire with his power. It is also suspected that he was able to escape the curse of Fu-Leng, being able to use blood magic without paying homage to the dark kami.