Map of Ancient Macedonia with the location of Esima, on the eastern side of the map, next to the coast near the island of Thassos.
Esima (in Greek, Οἰσύμη) is the name of an ancient Greek city of Thrace. Thucydides mentions it next to Galepso and indicates that both were colonies of Thasos that were put of part of the Spartan army of Brásidas after this one had taken Amphipolis in 424 a. C.
Stephen of Byzantium identifies it as the same Esira named by Homer in the Iliad as the place of origin of Castianira, mother of Gorgitión, attached to the king of Troy Priam.
Ateneo of Naucratis cites a passage from Armenia where Esima is mentioned among the places of Thrace famous for the quality of its wines.
Probably must have been located in a place where there are remains of a fortified settlement, south of modern Nea Peramos, Cape Vrásidas, which is in the southern part of Eleutheras Bay.