Mania butter
Beurre manié (French "kneaded butter") is a dough, made up of equal parts of soft butter and flour, used to thicken soups and sauces. When added in a warm or lukewarm liquid, the butter melts, releasing the flour particles without creating lumps.
Beurre manié should not be confused with Roux, which is also a thicker made of equal parts of butter and flour, but cooked before use.
Because Beurre manié contains raw flour, the preparations thickened with it may have an undesirable floury or pasty flavor, due to the proteins in the raw flour. For this reason, it is important that the Beurre Manie cook properly, rather than being added to a dish just before serving.
Beurre Manie is also used as a final step for sauces, to impart a soft, shiny texture before serving.