MetroSur is the Metro network of the Spanish municipalities of Alcorcón, Leganés, Getafe, Móstoles and Fuenlabrada. It is one of the 6 areas in which the Madrid Metro network is divided, and includes the Puerta del Sur and Joaquín Vilumbrales stations on line 10, La Fortuna station on line 11 and the entire line 12 of Metro.
Its creation is due to the expansion of the Metro network through the south and southwest areas beyond the municipality of Madrid, which corresponds to the tariff crown A, according to the division of the Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid. MetroSur is located in the Consortium's B1 and B2 crowns, so there are specific transport tickets for this area.
MetroSur is also the name of the two transport tickets that qualify for the trip within the metering scope of MetroSur, in the Metro network of Madrid.
The first of these is a simple MetroSur ticket. Enable to make a single trip for a single user within MetroSur.
The second of them is the ticket of 10 trips MetroSur. Enables the completion of 10 trips (for one or more users) within the same scope.
If you wish to continue traveling beyond this area, it is necessary to acquire, along with the MetroSur ticket, a second valid ticket for the MetroMadrid area (zone A), which must be validated at Puerta del Sur station. Or, instead, a combined single ticket that enables a trip throughout the Metro network of the Community of Madrid (Spain). MetroSur's Metrobúhos
The MetroSur owls stopped serving indefinitely in 2013, their frequency of passage was between 30 minutes and 70 minutes, they were a total of 3 lines L-121 (Alcorcón - Leganés - Getafe), L-122 (Getafe-Fuenlabrada) and L-123 (Fuenlabrada-Móstoles-Alcorcón) the reason for the disappearance of the lines is the lack of demand.