The archaeological site of Ladrillera is located 500 meters north of the town of Aroche (Province of Huelva, Spain), occupying an area of approximately 18 hectares.
We are facing a Hispanomulsumán site whose oldest remains date from the 9th century AD. C. and that would end around the first half of the eleventh century d. C., with a strong Hispanic-Roman substrate with metallurgical dedications.
The importance of this Hispano-Muslim site is due to the presence in it of a strong Hispano-Roman substratum with metallurgical dedications, anomalous in the Hispanomulsumán world, which can only be understood as the survival of Roman techniques from an indigenous population . It is also one of the few hispanomulsumanes remains of early date that has some archaeological documentation, so it can provide very interesting data for the study of this period.