The Trina House of Urbina Base, known in the Kuartango Valley simply as the tower, is located in the town of Urbina Basabe, in the Municipality of Cuartango, in Alava. Its construction dates back to medieval times and had a religious, military, administrative and residential character. origins
It consisted of a monastery and a defensive tower. At the end of the twelfth century, the monastery of San Pedro was erected by Count Garcia de Mendoza and his wife on the remains of another building, which may well have been a low- imperial as evidenced by the remains of: pavements, ceramics, pilotillos and beams of a hypocaust, etc. of Roman invoice, which have been found among the foundations. Preservation status at present
It is a building, privately owned, was restored by the Diputación Foral de Álava, and today, it is a service of the Ayuntamiento de Kuartango that manages the Association of Friends of the Trunk House of Urbina de Basabe. >
In the summer season or by making visits, you can visit both the interpretation center at the Mass of the Battle of Andagoste and an ethnographic exhibition on the customs and traditional uses of the Cuartango Valley.