Carlos Eurico da Costa

Carlos Eurico da Costa (Viana do Castelo, 1928 - Lisbon, 1998) was a Portuguese surrealist writer, with an outstanding activity in the area of ​​journalism and the advertising industry. Biography

Son of the writer and journalist Severino Costa. He worked in the newspapers "Diário de Lisboa" and "Diário Ilustrado", which was separated by a political process that would become famous in the history of Portuguese journalism. He collaborated in publications such as Seara Nova, Tree, Serpent, Diário de Notícias, etc. It was also cinematographic critic.

His name was linked to the history of Surrealism in Portugal. In 1949 he was part of the "Grafoautografias" designs of the first Portuguese Surrealist Exhibition, with names such as Henrique Risques Pereira, Mário Cesariny de Vasconcelos, Oom, FJ Francisco, AM Lisboa, Mário Henrique Leiria, Fernando Alves dos Santos, Artur do Cruzeiro Seixas, Artur da Silva, AP Tomaz and Calvet. In 1951, he was one of the protagonists of the rupture within the Portuguese surrealist movement, when subscribing the answer to Alexandre O'Neill in the collective pamphlet Do Chapter of Probity.

Opposite the Estado Novo, he was imprisoned for political reasons during his compulsory military service. It maintained a constant attitude of intervention in the public affairs, linked to the means opposed to the salazarist regime. He was a member of the management of the Portuguese Society of Writers and president of the Associação da Imprensa Diária, among other positions and responsibilities.

He developed his professional activity in the area of ​​public relations and advertising, with management responsibilities in the company CIESA-NCK and in the business group "Sociedade Nacional de Sabões". Published works

There is a bilingual anthology in Portuguese and Spanish of his poetic work: A Cidade de Palagüin / The city of Palagüin. Edition and translation of Perfect E. Square. Badajoz: Junta de Extremadura, Col. "The Strain of the Argonauts-Notebooks of Poetry", nº 2, 2001.
