Link bait

Link bait is a term in English that refers to any content or feature of a website in which the user encourages visitors to create links to it from their own websites . Attempting to generate such content is often employed in search engine positioning tasks.

Of the different techniques of link bait they emphasize:

Matt Cutts defines this term as "anything interesting enough to catch people's attention."

The potential of "link bait" in marketing is very important because of its viral nature.

At the SEO level, Link baiting is defined as the web technique of creating good content, be it a story, a video, an image, a help article, an idea, an application and promote it properly to get as many of links possible in a short period of time Link Baiting is one of the techniques used by SEOs to get a quick linkbuilding but more difficult because it requires a high creative capacity to take effect. Ways to link baiting
