Carlos Payan Velver is a Mexican politician, journalist and writer.
He has been a journalist for various political party information agencies, such as El Machete of the Mexican Communist Party and the Journal of the Center for Studies for the Socialist Workers Movement.
He was part of the newspaper Unomásuno. After the dissolution of Unomasuno, he was chosen as founding director of the Mexican newspaper of the left La Jornada, in which he exerted the direction until it happened to Carmen Lira Saade. He has received awards from the Journalists' Club.
He was a director of the National Human Rights Commission and a member of the PRD's Guarantees and Vigilance Committee. He was senator of the Republic by the Party of the Democratic Revolution, formed part of the COCOPA. He currently serves as president of Argos Producciones.
It is distinguished by presenting innovations and television creations that have liked certain sectors of the population, mainly Latin. Participates in the Editorial Board of the Monthly Magazine of Politics and Culture MEMORIA.