
The notaricón is one of the three techniques of exegesis in which traditional Kabbalah is based, next to the gematrya and the temurah. The initials of a series of words form another word, which adds a hidden meaning to the literal. Thus, a Kabbalist takes the initials of the four senses of writing (peshat, remets, derash, sod), and obtains PRDS: the Hebrew alphabet, which lacks vowels, could offer as interpretation "Pardes" , the Paradise.

Another example is in Deuteronomy, 30; 12: Taking the beginning of each word of the question "who will ascend for us to the heavens?" you get MYLH (= circumcision; word), and taking the last letter of each word YHVH (= God). The answer to the question is then: "The circumcision (or the word) will meet with God."

We owe authors such as Abulafia the main influence of this thinking on Western Renaissance culture.
