Pedro Valtierra (Fresnillo, Zacatecas, 1955) is a renowned Mexican documentary photographer of the most influential of the last four decades in Mexican history, founder of the agency and magazine Cuartoscuro, the agency Imagen Latina and the newspaper La Jornada , where he worked as coordinator and photo editor.
In 1998 he won the International Prize for Journalism King of Spain for the best photography of the year and the National Journalism Prize of Mexico in 1983. The Agora Museum José González Echeverría Fresnillo, Zacatecas has a permanent exhibition of Valtierra. The King of Spain International Prize for Journalism won it for a photo taken at the X'Oyep camp in Chiapas, where a group of Tzotziles rebuked Mexican military personnel. Historic context
Pedro Valtierra is among the group of photographers that emerged in the second half of the 1970s, a period in which significant changes occurred in national history and would have repercussions in later decades. >