The Beemster Arboretum is an arboretum in Zuidoostbeemster. The arboretum was founded in 1972. It is open every day between 9:00 and sunset. The administrator / conservator is ir. Hans Völlmar, who is responsible for the construction of the arboretum. By purchasing land and collecting plants, he managed to expand the arboretum further.
The arboretum consists of two parts, a systematic section of 2 hectares and a geographical area of 3.5 hectares. In the systematic section, species and cultivars are planted per gender. Among other species of the genus Silver (Abies), chestnut (Castanea), Birch (Betula) can be found here. Also there are cultivars of Corylus, Cardinals (Euonymus), Es (Fraxinus), False christian (Gleditsia triacanthos), Juglans, Taxus, Linden (Tilia) and Snowball (Viburnum). There are also species and cultivars of Carya, Hydrangea and Zelkova.
The planting of the geographic area dates back to 1992. The plants are here geographically arranged to show how trees and shrubs grow in forestry. Plants that occur here are species of the genus oak (Quercus), Fagus and Juglans. Trees growing here include mousse (Quercus cerris), Fagus orientalis, Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonia), Watercipres (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), Black den (Pinus nigra), Yoshinokers Prunus yedoensis and American birdcatchers (Prunus serotina). There are also bushes from the Ligustrum, Syringa and Taxus genera.
In 2007, the collection of Juglans species and cultivars was included in the National Plant Collection. 52° 31′ 12″ NB, 4° 55′ 30″ OL