Chares was an Athenian General from the fourth century BC. He was the son of Kleochares, one of the famous Athenian army officials. Chares fought in the many wars in which Athens lived in 367 BC. was engaged and led the army during the Allies war (357-355 BC). He supported the satraph of Artabazus who had rebelled against the Persian king Artaxerxes III. After restoring Artabazus, he returned to Athens and fought against Philippus II of Macedonia. Despite some victories, it was found at Chaeronea in 338 BC. did not face Macedonian tactics. In 335 BC. Chares returned to Sigeum at the Hellespont and joined the Persian king Darius III. In 333 BC. he strived against Alexander the Great on the Aegean Sea. With 2000 men he kept Mytilini until he reached 332 BC. had to capitulate. Known for his courage, he was also about his predatory and greed. He probably died for 324 BC.