K-Directory is a fictional International organized crime organization on the television series Alias. The Directory-K among many of its activities, monopolizes extortion, trade of intelligence and weapons at the international level. It was founded by former KGB agents and powerful people from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe who invested their money in the spy trade after the Cold War. The K-Directory based in St. Petersburg is the main enemy of the Alliance of Twelve and also one of the CIA's.
The K-Directory has been acquiring a large number of Rambaldi artifacts over the years, reaching 15% of Rambaldi's work in its possession, including the Rambaldi newspaper which contains the Page 47. One of its main agents was the Soviet spy of Cuban origin Anna Espinosa. The K-Directory knew its fall when a new and mysterious criminal organization directed by a mysterious person whom they call (The Man), who seems to know all the steps of the Directory-K enters the scene. The Man ordered to launch an attack on SD-6 and had destroyed the FTL, rival of Directory-K in Asia. All attacks on the enemies of the K-Directory were prepared to bring him closer to El Hombre. The SD-6 intercepts a transmission in which a meeting is arranged between the criminal organization of El Hombre and the K-Directory in Moscow to agree on a collaboration agreement and thus share the technology of Rambaldi. Sydney Bristow and Marcus Dixon are sent by Arvin Sloane to listen to the meeting. Julian Sark offers to transfer $ 100,000,000.00 to K-Directory accounts in the Cayman Islands. In exchange, Sark demands the daily Rambaldi. The offer is flatly rejected by Ilyich Ivankov, head of the K-Directory, and Sark immediately kills him. The right hand of Ilyich Ivankok in the Directory-K Lavro Kessar takes command and he accepts the offer. Everything had been orchestrated by The Man to end the Directory-K and acquire all his Rambaldi artifacts. At an information briefing Arvin Sloane informs his team that Ivankov's body was delivered to the Board-K central office packed in a cod box from a North Atlantic fishing vessel. Kessar has disappeared and Sloane assumes that Sark holds him hostage until the delivery of the body of Ivankov and the later delivery of the Diary of Rambaldi in Tunisia. Sloane sends his team to Tunisia and Sydney intercepts the newspaper before Sark can take delivery. Kessar's subsequent death and the dissolution of the K-Directory are presumed. Personal conocido