
Shutatarra or Shuttarna was a king of Qadesh from the mid-14th century BC. C.

Around the year 1340 a. C. Suppiluliuma I, king of Hatti, invaded the country of Upi, partly controlled by the pharaoh of Egypt. Shutatarra, then an Egyptian subject, perhaps feeling threatened, went out with his son Aitakkama at the head of his troops and attacked the Hittite king who defeated him in battle and pursued to Abzuya. Besieged this city, Suppiluliuma finished to take it and to deport Hatti to Shutatarra next to its relatives and possessions.

The fact that it was Shutatarra who took the initiative and Suppiluliuma swore that he had no intention of attacking Qadesh, prevented relations between Hatti and Egypt were broken irreparably. Bibliography
