
Trelawney is a cartoon character created by Alfonso Font and Richard Marazano for Pif Gadget's diary. He is the hero of the series The Memoirs of a Corsair Gentleman.

The authors were inspired by the life of Edward John Terlawny, a famous corsair adventurer of the early 19th century. The episodes of the serial code

1 - The sword and the raven

The failure of taking a British ship allows the famous corsair to remember the tyranny his father exercised during his childhood.

2 - Citadel

By freeing slaves from the hands of Marrate's terrible pirates, Trelawney meets Zela, his future companion.

3 - Straw Dragons

Fleeing British troops, Trelawney and her companions are forced to cross Komodo Island. During their escape, Trelawney is bitten by one of the terrible dragons that populate the island.

4 - The affront

A misunderstanding during a bargain draws on Trelawney the wrath of a Parsi shopkeeper ready to brave all the dangers to quell his vengeance.

5 - Vampires

The crew begins giving a lesson to the ship's doctor who is martyring bats.

6 - Conference with the dog man

Trelawney and her companions meet a mysterious and ruthless Chinese hacker who calls himself the dog man. The apparent cruelty of the hacker hides a heavy secret.

7 - The Forgotten Tribe

Trelawney discovers that the British are ready for any massacre to appropriate the nutmeg of Indonesia's islands.

8 - Aurangzeb's treasures

On an island threatened by a volcanic eruption, an old scholar has kept the treasures of Aurangzeb. With him, Trelawney is trying to save what can be ...
