"Whatever the Case May Be" (titled "In any case" in Spain and "Whatever the case" in Latin America) is the twelfth chapter of the first season of the Lost series. When Sawyer and Kate find a metal briefcase, Kate goes out of her way to keep it. Rose tries to cheer Charlie Pace, who is depressed, and Sayid asks Shannon for help translating Danielle's map. In the episode there are also several flashbacks of Kate Austen. plot
Sawyer and Kate, who had entered the island in search of food, find a beautiful lake crowned by a waterfall. As they dive into it, they discover in its depth a pair of passengers, still tied to their respective seats, with visible signs of decomposition. Under one of them is the briefcase that carried the marshall guarding Kate. Immediately Kate wants to get him but Sawyer, intrigued by Kate's sudden excitement, does not give it to her.
On the beach, the survivors try to collect all their belongings and move them away from the sea as a sudden rise in the tide is taking them. Shannon asks Boone what he is doing every day as he walks into the island with Locke but Boone refuses to respond.
Sayid, meanwhile, continues to try to decipher the equations and annotations that were in the papers that took the French woman. For this he needs the help of Shannon who accepts despite his initial reluctance.
After being convinced by Kate, Jack threatens to Sawyer to stop supplying him with the medicines for his wounds if he does not return the suitcase to the girl. Kate tries to fool Jack into unlocking the briefcase, but Jack finds it. When he opened it, he found Kate's envelope from the bank and its contents ... something mysterious about a crime. Saying his frustration, Shannon turns to Sayid and tells him that he has remembered why the phrases he had written in French in the papers sounded. It is the lyrics of the well-known song Beyond the sea, in French. Far away, in the darkness we see Boone watching with a face of few friends as his sister sings it to Sayid.