Frank Good

Frank Good (Paramaribo, 1937 - there, 1983) was a Surinam businessman.

Lifecycle family

Good wax came from a wealthy Creole family and was part of a family with ten children, many of whom went to high school in Surinam in the Netherlands after a good follow-up. Father Good worked at the customs in Paramaribo and was married to Marietje Victorine Walton. Good Sr died in a leaking aorta in 1952. Mother Marie died in 1979. His oldest brother, Rodolph Goede, went first to the family in 1947 to the Netherlands. He studied mechanical engineering and worked at Stork. Franks elder brother Lesley Good was Minister of Finance Brother André Goede, later appointed Director of Surinamese Aluminum and Mining Company Billiton, Billiton Society Suriname, and Brother John Goede, became a physician in the Netherlands and returned to Suriname there to work. Other brother and sisters are Henk Good (1941 - 2011), Mildred Good, Joyce Good. In addition, the children Hedwig Goede who passed away at the age of 11 and another son who died a few months ago. Career

Good studied economics in the Netherlands and left after completing his doctoral degree in Suriname. Here he worked in the subsidiary of British American Tobacco Company Ltd. (BAT). He eventually became Director of the Paramaribo branch. Private

Good married Nell-Marie De Vries and got two children: Patricia and Mark. After his study in the Netherlands, Mark Goede took over the family business of De Vries & amp; Co, over. Passing away

Good died after a cardiac surgery in 1983. He was treated for a mild heart attack in Florida, returned to Suriname and died there during his recovery through a triple A, arterial bleeding in the stomach region. The same happened to his brother Lesley who died the same day in 1981.
