Hildórien is a fictitious location that is part of the legendarium created by the British writer J. R. R. Tolkien and that appears in his posthumous novel The Silmarillion. It is a vast area east of Endor (Middle Earth) and south of Cuiviénen, where the elves awoke. In Hildorien the Men or Hildor awoke.
Hildor in Elvish means follower, for men were not the first to arrive since elves and other races preceded them. According to the edain legends, Morgoth visited the men in Hildorien and predisposed them against Iluvatar, and made them believe that death was a bad thing. However, this is nothing more than a gift given to men by Eru, and not a punishment. To escape the evil of Morgoth and his followers, the Atanatári were the first to flee from Hildórien, travel west to find Beleriand.
Tolkien mentioned in a footnote that "men woke up in Mesopotamia," which may be a clue that Hildorien corresponds to the area of Mesopotamia, or to the region thus named by Tolkien in his first sketches of Arda. Bibliography