Karen Kong (Chinese Simplified: 龚 柯 允, Traditional Chinese: 龔 柯 允, December 7, 1984 in Labuan), is a Malayan singer.
She has Chinese ancestry and was a student of SM Santa Ana, Labuan, SMK Labuan, Tunku Abdul Rahman College and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. She was a participant in the Malaysian idol contest in 2004, but was eliminated in the first round. Kong released her first single in January 2007. She immediately drew attention because of her album published in Malay, which is quite unusual for an artist of Chinese origin in Malaysia. Their first EP also includes their singles Tape Hello Kitty and Ku Tak upāya, both written by companions of Malaysia among them the composer Asmin Mudin (writer of Gemilang Malaysia Idol Jaclyn Victor's). Both appeared on the radio station on several charts including EEI, Xfresh and others. Discography Albums and EP
Bonus Tracks