Prototype or prototype is a kind of forerunner of the script.
About the age of 3400 for our time account is the most ancient human scripture. It was a consequence of the fact that the memory of the then human being became insufficient to cope with all the data of increasingly complex societies.
In the phase before writing systems were invented with alphabets, ideographic writing and syllabic script, people used objects and images of, for example, animals and people.
Australian Aborigines used to use kerfsticks, and, among other things, the Incas knocked in cords to capture numbers. Messengers could communicate additional information about the numbers by means of these tools, which can be seen as a prototype.
Another example is the primitive rock drawings of Lascaux where hunting scenes are pictured with running hunters and throwing spikes in the prey heart region. Such an image can be seen as a sort of instruction manual for future hunters. It is a type of figurine as well as the later hieroglyphs of the Egyptians, but possibly it is also intended as an image (memorial) of an event. During the period of the Egyptians, the script evolved into a true script, that is, a representation of a language.
Uhlenbeck says that there is basically a communication system through conventional visible signs and that human beings have felt the need to make drawings very early (20,000 years ago and earlier). In other words, writing was done by drawing. What would you like to tell each other by running (armed) hunters and prey animals affected by throwing spikes? It can have two reasons. On the one hand a triumph (a kind of ritual) after a successful hunt. On the other hand, it may be a kind of image to explain how hunted was. They are partly shared by some drawings or some kind of icons. For example, the picture at a rush road in New Mexico (USA) of an inverted horse rider, in addition to a mountain goat in normal position. This indicates (Gelb) that the path in question is a goat path and was unsuitable for horse riders. Ugly Negroes in Africa signed a thread in a needle to say that the thread will follow the needle, or else "the apple is not far from the tree". This can also be seen as a prototype, or a basis for the creation of scriptures in later times.
What can be considered as a prototype can not always be determined by the fact that there is no history of history in prehistory.