Phraseological statement

A phraseological phrase is, in lexicology, a kind of phraseological unity between the locutions and the placements: it is a mini-story in itself by its material autonomy and content that does not need an immediate verbal context: textual lexias as the sayings (Who early rises, God helps, et cetera), dialogisms (Who made you whore? Wine and fruit), wellerismos (Said the pot to the cauldron: get out of there culinegro), quotes (Paris is worth one but I also include the routine formulas that also have character of statement, but they are different from the paremias because they lack textual autonomy because their appearance is determined, to a greater or lesser extent, by precise communicative situations (sorry condolence, happy pascuas, until then, I am very sorry, what I know, what goes, what are we going to do). Bibliography
