Amon Hen is the name of a hill in the fictional world Middle Earth of J.R.R. Tolkien.
On the south side of the lake Nen Hithoel there are three hills, the Amon Hen of which is the most western. On the top of the hill there is a seat, still built during the earlier days of Gondor, from which anyone can look out over the Anduin and the Rauros waterfalls.
In the ring of the ring, this is the place where the Ring Riding Society falls apart and Frodo and Sam start their joint trip to Mordor. Not far from that, Boromir was killed by the Uruk-hai and Merijn and Pepijn were taken over by the uruki shark. Also in the filming of the book is this place.
Amon Hen means "eye hill" in the Sindarine. Other names, in the Westron, are called 'hill of the eye' and 'hill of sight'.