Malt liquor

Malt liquor is an American term for beer with an alcohol content of 5% or higher. (In the Netherlands, however, the term malt beer is used for alcohol-free beer.) The higher alcohol percentage is achieved by adding additional sugar during the brewing process. Furthermore, malt liquors have little added hops so they are less bitter than other beers. Malt liquor has a negative reputation in terms of taste and is associated with populations such as Armenians, Alcoholics and African Americans.

Malt liquors are widely sold in a bottle of 40 Fluid ounces, about 1.18 liters. These bottles are also known as forty-ounce or simply forty.

Malt liquor is often consumed in movies across gangster stairs and sometimes poured out over the ground in the form of a libation to honor deceased friends.

Outside America, malt liquors are low. However, there are beers in the Netherlands that match marketing in the sense that they are cheap and contain a lot of alcohol, such as Amsterdam Navigator, Amsterdam Maximator produced by Grolsch and Alfa Super Strong 9.2 of the Alfa Brewery.
