This article refers to the fantastic literature written by J. R. R. Tolkien. In the Tolkien Imaginary Universe, Aglarond (in Elvish Centelleantes Caverns) are vast caves located in the gorge known as the Abyss of Helm, more precisely at the northern end of it and under the bowels of Thrihyrne, one of the higher mountains of the White Mountains.
These imposing caverns consisted of innumerable rooms and vaults that open to the entrails of the mountain, illuminated by the light that crosses the high stone walls, through which also the pure air of the heights penetrates. The soil is white sand and there are small ponds every now and again due to the constant dripping of groundwater. By the effects of the accumulation of salts carried by the water, huge stalactites hung from their stone ceilings and joined the stalagmites on the ground, forming columns, carved naturally by water, in beautiful forms. On its walls are veins of precious mineral, as well as gems and precious stones.
They were discovered by the Númenóreans when they built the Cuernavilla fortress and the Lower Wall. The Rohirrim used them to hide from enemy attacks and forage, animal and food stores during long winters or attacks.
During the War of the Ring and at the Battle of Cuernavilla, the men of the West Folk originally concealed the women, the children and the elders to protect them during the attack of the hordes of Saruman. And later Eomer, Gimli, and an important host of Rohirrim were hidden there, when the defenses of the Wall of the Under were surpassed by the Orcs of the White Hand and dunlendinos. Almost at the end of the battle this group of men came out of them to support the final attack of the Men of Rohan against the enemy. The Dwarf Gimli was slightly wounded in the head, but completed his work killing in total to 42 Orcos with his powerful ax.For the latter Aglarond's vision was so great that with great admiration he related to Legolas: "(...) gems and crystals and reefs of precious mineral sparkle on the polished walls, and the light shines in the veins of the pearly marbles, luminous like the hands of Queen Galadriel.There are columns of snow, saffron and rosicler , Legolas, carved with shapes that look like dreams, spring from the multicolored floors to join the shimmering hangings: wings, ropes, subtle veils like crystallized clouds, spears, banners, pinnacles of hanging palaces! a world of shimmering water emerges from the dark waters covered with clear crystals, cities, as Durin could never have imagined in their dreams, extend through avenues and courtyards and porches, to the dark niches where light never comes ... "(Tolkien The two towers, Cap 8)
At the end of the War of the Ring Gimli returned with Legolas to visit them as the Elf had promised to do so, as long as the Dwarf visited Fangorn. But for the Dwarf, it was his admiration that during the Fourth Age he was the founder of a Kingdom of the Dwarves in that place, with people coming mostly from Erebor. Thus became the lord of the Sparkling Caverns, which under his rule became the most powerful Dwarven Kingdom of Middle-earth. He only left his domain to march west with his elf friend.