Inventory of the Architectural Heritage of Catalonia

The Inventory of Architectural Heritage of Catalonia, started in 1982, is an instrument that seeks to promote and promote the study of the patrimonial assets that comprise it. This Inventory forms part of the Inventory of Catalan Cultural Heritage, defined in Law 9/1993 of September 30, on the cultural heritage of Catalonia, and is managed by the Inventory Section of the Cultural Heritage Property of the Area of ​​Knowledge and Research of the Directorate General of the Cultural Patrimony, organism dependent of the Generality of Catalonia.

The inventory includes buildings and constructions of artistic, architectural or historical interest, sectors and elements of buildings, isolated architectural elements, small sets and nuclei of historical and artistic interest, monumental as well as popular and traditional. These patrimonial elements are grouped into the three categories of protection established by the Catalan cultural heritage law: cultural assets of national interest (BCIN), cultural assets of local interest (BCIL) and assets forming part of the broad concept of cultural heritage. Bibliography
