Surma, also called suri, are a semi-nomadic ethnic group from East Africa, whose members are estimated to be about 45,000. They reside mainly in the jungles of the southwest of Ethiopia and in a small redoubt in the plain of South Sudan. Its language, the Suri language, is part of the Kurdish subfamily of the eastern Sudanese languages
TraditionsSurma women wear a pumpkin disk or clay plates embedded in their lips and ears (the latter also men), the larger will allow them a more succulent marriage dowry, usually it is about delivery of livestock .
The art they carry with them, either through small ornaments (belts, rings, bracelets, etc.), as decoration in their own body (pyrography, drawings made with scars on their own skin, body paint, and the like ). Donga
After the harvest, the young surma come together for a series of battles, very violent, called Donga. They struggle to demonstrate masculinity, for personal revenge and to win the wife. The 50 or more men who participate in each tournament represent different peoples. The participants, fight two by two and are being eliminated until there are only two fighters, which will leave the winner of the tournament. Economic activity and food
They are mainly dedicated to grazing and to a lesser extent agriculture (corn and sorghum); They also use to hunt animals. They make a beer-like alcoholic beverage based on fermented sorghum. Language Main article: Language suri
They speak the suri and several dialects, like the tirma and the chai. Religion
El animism.