The Man Orchestra (One Man Band) is an animated short film by Pixar directed by Mark Andrews and Andrew Jiménez. In some countries it premiered next to the movie Cars, of the same producer. Argument
Located in Italy. Bass is a man orchestra that plays in a plaza where he has played for several years. But just that day Treble arrives, a new orchestra man who seems to overcome him. There goes Tippy, a little girl who wants to make a wish to the fountain with a coin. Since both need a coin, Bass and Treble start competing for the girl's attention, causing her to throw the coin by accident. Annoyed, Tippy asks Treble for one of his violins, and surprisingly plays him like a real professional, having a man give him a huge bag of coins. Tippy pulls two and with these tempts Bass and Treble, however he throws them to the top of the source. After the credits, you see both trying to get the coins.