The following list of episodes of the animated television series Inspector Gadget, is the one corresponding to its broadcast in Spain. This series was released on Sundays at 3:35 pm on TVE-1 from October 7, 1984 until March 31, 1985 and from March 22, 1987 through 1988.
The first original season (1983-84) contained 65 episodes, being issued only 26 between 1984-85. The second season (1987-88) contained the remaining episodes of the first and the 21 episodes of the second season (1985-86). First season (1984-1985) Season Two (1987-1988)
(* Note: There are episodes (of the second season) that in their day did not appear titled and the company former distributor Motion Pictures SA decided to give them a title, but coming from the English version and not from the French version, original here.)