Asopius was an Athenian admiral who served, like his father Phormio, during the Peloponnesian War. In the fourth year of war he commanded a squadron of thirty triremes in the direction of the Peloponnese, which razed the coastal cities of Laconia. This expedition was sent at the request of the Canadians, who had also requested Athens to be commanded by someone from the Phormio family.
Once the attack on Laconia was over, Asopius returned home to eighteen of the ships, going with the remaining twelve to Naupacto, from where he tried unsuccessfully to besiege the city of Eniadas. After this failure, he discharged part of his army and, sailing to Lefkada, made a landing in Nérico, where he died in the course of a retreat. Later the Athenians would recover their body after a pact with the leucadios.