The European Film Academy ('European Film Academy' or 'European Film Academy'), founded in 1988, is an organization aimed at boosting European film culture. The academy organizes and participates in conferences, seminars and workshops that deal with film in the field of technical and artistic education, but also with the politics and economics of the film. These activities culminate in the awarding of European Film Prizes each year.
The European Film Academy is located at the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin. The organization is funded mainly by the German State Lottery, with additional support from other German institutes and the media program of the European Community and a number of film companies. The European Film Awards Ceremony is jointly presented by the European Film Academy and its production company EFA Productions, and funded by sources other than the Academy itself and by selling the TV program.
President of the organization is the filmmaker Wim Wenders; He followed the first president in 1996, Ingmar Bergman. Chairman of the Board is the director Agnieszka Holland. Other board members include Volker Schlöndorff, Els Vandevorst and István Szabó. Honorary members are the famous actors Ben Kingsley, Dušan Makavejev and Jeanne Moreau.
The academy currently has about 1800 members, all actively involved in making film (one of the conditions is that a member has received credits for at least three feature films or documentaries). Germany delivers most members (323), followed by United Kingdom (251), France (245), Spain (166), Italy (144) and Denmark (135). The Netherlands has 64 members, Belgium 46. Israel also participates in the European Film Academy, with 30 members. Externe link