Chivito criollo del norte neuquino is the name that has been given by the denomination of origin to the goat of the Neuquén Creole breed that is produced in the province of Neuquén (Argentine Republic), in the Chos Malal departments, Minas and part of the Ñorquín, Loncopué, Añelo and Pehuenches departments. International brand

Through the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, efforts were made since 2005, where studies were carried out on chivito breeding, observing pastures, traceability, slaughter and commercialization, zoning this region, where a population of 350,000 of these goats is estimated. The denomination of origin of the Neuquén chivito was officially approved in 2008, official resolution of the government of Argentina, which will allow to market these animals inside and outside the country, given within the framework of the national law Nº 25,966 (products of agricultural origin and food). It was the Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner who gave the news to the inhabitants of the Neuquén North in an official visit to the Province of Neuquén in 2008.
