Jerónimo Pou and Magraner (Palma de Mallorca,? - 1922) was a lawyer, playwright and republican politician from the Balearic Islands, Spain. Member of the Federal Democratic Republican Party, he left and was the main organizer of the Republican Union Party of Mallorca in 1896 and founder and director of the newspaper La Union Republicana (from 1896 to 1904) and founder of El Ideal.
He held the positions of councilor in the municipality of Palma de Mallorca in 1897 and in 1901, appearing in the Spanish elections of 1901 without being elected. Provincial Deputy in 1911, he was part of the Republican-Socialist Conjunction in 1910-1912, but then abandoned it and, in 1913, with Melquiades Álvarez, and founded the Reform Party in Mallorca. In 1917-1918 he joined the Assembleista Bloc, coinciding with his election as a senator for the electoral district of the Balearic Islands.
As an author they highlight their works Los viejos verdes and Judge by clues.