Lupo Protospatario (or Latin, Lupus Protospatarius Barensis) (1030-1102) was the well-known author of the Rerum in Regno Neapolitano Gestarum Brief Chronicon, an accurate history of the Italian Mezzogiorno that goes from 805 to 1102. It has been recognized this authorship only from the XVII century.
Lupo, along with other Barista chroniclers, the anonymous authors of Annales Barensis and Anonymi Barensis Chronicon, used old lost annals of Bari that narrated events until 1051. Guillermo de Apulia seems to have used these same annals as sources his work. Lupo Protospatario also used the lost annals of Matera.
Perhaps the most characteristic of Lupo's work is how to date his chronology: his years begin in September, so he places events at the end of a given year at the beginning of the following year. Sources