Project ACROSS

ACROSS is a Unique Strategic Character project led by Treelogic co-funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade within the Avanza R & D program. This is a project started in 2009 and ending in 2011.

The ACROSS project aims to incorporate service robots into social scenarios that anticipate users' needs by improving communication and empathy between people and robots. The economic and temporary characteristics of the ACROSS project make it one of the most ambitious projects based on Social Robotics and Services developed in Spain.

The main challenge of ACROSS is to create intelligent systems capable of self-reconfiguration and to modify its behavior autonomously by means of understanding, learning and access to remote software.

With the aim of providing an open framework for collaboration between companies, universities, research centers and the Administration, the ACROSS project is based on the Open Source software generation philosophy. This fact guarantees the continuous evolution of the ACROSS system from the integration of new technological agents.

Three levels of interaction are considered according to their degree of complexity: robots monitored directly by the user, robots used as technological tools and robots equipped with an advanced interaction completely adapted to the user's behavior. ACROSS has direct application in three social scenarios corresponding to: Collaborating members
