Public Test Realm

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The Public Test Realm (often abbreviated to PTR) is a separate feature created by Blizzard Entertainment for the World of Warcraft game, where it is possible to test future patches for errors and bugs. This system is accessible to all subscribers that have World of Warcraft installed. The patches that are tested usually test after a few months for the game itself.

To play on a PTR, you must download a special client (shortly known as PTR Client) from one of the official websites, as it is different from the client you normally play WoW. Nevertheless, a complete installation and proper operation of World of Warclaft is required. After downloading, you must patch the client through the Launcher. Your computer is then ready to play on the PTR.

There are three ways to test (after installing the PTR): Important comments Other games

Spell test servers is not an unknown phenomenon. Diablo III and RIFT (then they call Public Test Shards) also use, if a new patch is to be tested by the playing public.
