The Source of All Evil is a fictional character from the television series Charmed and is the ruler of the underworld. Represented by actors Michael Bailey Smith, Bennet Guillory and Julian McMahon throughout the series.
The powers of the Source were born eons ago when, before the Great Battle in which Good and Evil joined forces, the most powerful demons in the universe came together with the objective of being able to prevail over good. For this they created the Grimoire (or Grimoir), a Magical book that contained all the knowledge and powers of the Underworld. Said Book would grant all its powers to a single demon, who would reign over all the forces of evil; this demon is known since then as the Source of All Evil. Throughout the history of magic there has not been a single Source; when a more powerful demon arose and claimed the throne of the Underworld, one of the two demons was eliminated, and the victor thus occupied the throne of Hell.
He has a tattooed face that was partially mutilated when he took power. He was dressed in a black cape and hood that covered his face. Only the higher level demons, the sisters, and Leo, have seen it. It is said that the underworld has reigned for more than 500 years. Among its many demonic powers are: throwing fireballs, teleportation (with flames), manipulating fire, changing shape (metamorphosis), summoning demons and evil beings, mind control, and possession.
He sent numerous demons against the Halliwell sisters although his great victory came when Prue died at the hands of his murderer Shax.
He was responsible for the imprisonment of demons like Zankou, the Tall Man (a giant demon whose body served as a dimensional portal and which was almost impossible to destroy), Kurzon and the banishment of vampires and destruction of numerous magical beings. < / p>
La Fuente renewed its war against the Halliwell after being reconstituted the Power of Three with the appearance of Paige. She made many attempts to take the life and powers of the sisters, including putting Piper in a coma to force her to renounce her powers, and take The Void, an ancient entity that has the power to absorb magic, and, if not it is contained, it can destroy the whole world. He succeeded in stealing the powers of the sisters, but Cole Turner took the Void, and stole the powers of the Source when he threw a ball of fire at him. The sisters destroyed the Source in the only way possible: calling all the magic of their entire family line.
However, after his death, his powers and his spirit was absorbed by Cole (he was a mortal at that time), who eventually succumbed to evil within him and became the new Source. Cole acquired full control of the powers of the Source in a ceremony that involved the Grimoire of Evil, the dark counterpart of the Book of Shadows. Cole was destroyed by the sisters shortly after his reign began.
His widow, Phoebe, was pregnant with the son of La Fuente, a being of pure evil who could control his mother from the womb. The power of the son of the Source was such that his powers passed to Phoebe and she was able to destroy the Tall Man. The unborn child was stolen by The Seer in his attempt to become the new Source, but in the end, both were destroyed for the sake of the bewitched.
Years later, a demon possessor invaded the body of a woman named Mandi, in order to manipulate Wyatt. She used Wyatt's powers to bring the Source back from death. However, Leo and Billie, trapped in the School of Magic discovered the plan of the devil. Soon after, they found a spell to get Billie out of school, who notified the sisters. They went to school to rescue Leo. Meanwhile, Leo stayed at the school to monitor Wyatt. Even though she was disguised for the world by the change of identity that the sorceresses had made, the Source felt that it was actually the White Guide of them. The sisters arrived just in time, and Piper destroyed the demon possessor, and the Source, since their magic was interconnected by the spell cast by Wyatt.