Endergoon (from the prefix endo, derived from the Greek word ἔνδον endon, "inside", and the suffix -ster, derived from the Greek word ἔργον ergon, "labor" means "release of energy in the form of labor "In thermodynamics, labor is defined as energy moving from the system outside the system during a process or reaction. In an endless process, energy is extracted from the system's environment, in an extermination process, energy is supplied to the environment of the System. Constant pressure and temperature reactions are only one-time when Gibb's free energy change is positive (ΔG> 0).
All chemical and physical systems follow the second law of thermodynamics and expire in the exergon direction. So in all spontaneous processes and responses, the free energy of a system becomes lower and converted into labor.
A chemical reaction is thus only when it does not spontaneously expire. This type of response increases the free energy. The entropy is also involved. If the entropy is not taken into consideration, then an endothermic reaction will be discussed. The change in Gibb's free energy is described by the comparison of Gibbs-Helmholtz: & # x0394; G = & # x0394; H & # x2212; T ⋅ & # x0394; S {\displaystyle \Delta G=\Delta H-T\cdot \Delta S}
in which: T = Temperature in Kelvin (K) ΔG = Change of free energy ΔS = Entropy change (at 298 K) according to ΔS = Σ {S (Reaction product)} - Σ {S (Reactant)} ΔH = Enthaly Change (at 298 K) according to ΔH = Σ {H (Reaction Product)} - Σ {H (Reactant)}
A chemical reaction only occurs not spontaneously if the free reaction enthalpy ΔG is positive. Exergon reactions release energy because the ΔG is negative and energy is consumed in endergone reactions because the ΔG is positive: & # x0394; R G < 0 {\displaystyle \mathrm {\Delta } _{\mathrm {R} }G<0} exergon & # x0394; R G > 0 {\displaystyle \mathrm {\Delta } _{\mathrm {R} }G>0} endergonic
in which: & # x0394; R G {\displaystyle \mathrm {\Delta } _{\mathrm {R} }G} is equal to the change of the free reaction enthalpy G after complete completion of a chemical reaction.