
Kazuhiko is a graphic novel, Japanese style (manga), epic-tragic genre. Created by the Guatemalan mangaka Karei, the story unfolds in twelve chapters, with 30 pages per chapter. Argument

The story unfolds in present-day Japan and mixes real historical facts with fiction, very manga-like, which is a Japanese technique of illustration, minimalist and expressionist at the same time.

This epic drama depicts a hero, Kazuhiko, the descendant of an ancient family of the samurai caste, who is a victim of his passion for defending innocent people, to the extent of changing his position and becoming a villain .

The precepts of good and evil are in conflict in the sense that everything obeys a reason often hidden but not necessarily nonexistent. Kazuhiko must murder in exchange for recovering his wife Eiko. However the honor that has always been his ideal will become a two-edged sword in his struggle between his love and his duty ...
