Sistema endomembranoso

Scheme of a typical eukaryotic cell: 1. Nucleo with chromosomes, 2. Nucleus, 3. Ribosoma, 4. Vesicle, 5. Rough endoplasmic reticulum, 6. Golgi apparatus, 7. Microtubules, 8. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, 9. Mitochondria , 10. Vacuola, 11. Cytoplasm, 12. Lysosome. 13. Centriol. Diagram of the endomembrane system in a typical eukaryotic cell. The endomembranous system is the system of internal membranes of eukaryotic cells that divides the cell into functional and structural compartments, called organelles. Prokaryotes do not have an endomembranous system and thus lack the majority of organelles. The endomembranous system also provides a transport system for the mobile molecules through the interior of the cell as well as interactive surfaces for the synthesis of lipids and proteins. The membranes that make up the endomembranous system are constructed from a lipid bilayer, with the proteins attached to each side or through them .-

The following organelles are part of the endomembranous system: Development and formation of the endomembrane system

This system begins the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) which is a set of membranous folds that are cell membrane extension. In it the main function is the synthesis of proteins. Some of them are stored and then taken to other organelles; and others remain attached to it to grow their membranes. At a point the RER loses the ribosomes and forms tubules and membranous cisterns where mainly lipids form: the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In it are generated glands that secrete transitional vesicles that are joining together forming the crescent-shaped dictiosoma. The dictiosoma is the operating unit of the Golgi apparatus. The set of dicythosomes of a cell forms the Golgi apparatus. This structure ends with synthetic vesicles that are secreted into the cytoplasm and then give rise to lysosomes, peroxisomes and vacuoles.
