Ta Te Show was an Argentine television program that aired on the Telefé screen from 1993 to 1997, was conducted by Leonardo Simons until October 1996, until the end of 1996 by Silvio Soldán and throughout 1997 by Fernando Bravo. Theme
Leonardo Simmons watched the Hollywood Squares program and convinced the Telefe authorities to adapt it to the Argentine screen.
The program took place on Saturday nights, at 8 o'clock. The driver was Leonardo Simons and the entertainment consisted of two participants (one representing the O and the other the X) who had to choose one of the nine Famous guest artists located in a panel shaped like a ta-te-ti board. The driver asked a question of general culture, the artist responded and the participant had to answer if the artist's answer is true or is a lie. If he succeeded, his symbol was activated in the box and if it failed, the symbol of his opponent was activated. The one who managed to make a line passed to the final, in which the winners of both rounds participated, and the winner of the final played for one of the five cars (of the FIAT line).
The participant had to choose an envelope and in that envelope appeared the image of the car model for which he would play, and then he had to choose one of the panel artists, who by that time each had a key. If the participant chose correctly, that is if the key of the chosen artist started, he won the car.
The program was a total success (it was even the highest rated program of the day) until October 15, 1996, Leonardo Simons committed suicide by throwing himself from the 13th floor of a building on Córdoba Avenue, where he had the office of your advertising producer. This fact shocked the press, the artistic environment and the public that followed the program every Saturday.
After Simons' suicide, Silvio Soldán, his friend, took charge of the program until the end of that year, at the request of the channel and Leonardo's family. The following year he was replaced by Fernando Bravo, but the rating fell and, despite having completed his 9-month season, the program was lifted off the air and removed from the programming grid.