Feast of the Carballeira

The Festa da Carballeira is a festival of folk music celebrated in Zas since 1984, organized by the CASTRO-MEDA Cultural Association. Development

Every year, on the first Saturday of August, from the early hours of the afternoon, in the meadows located on the river bank, dance groups, tambourines, and bagpipes are brought together with other traditional groups to introduce the festival that begins about ten at night on the left side of the river, whose carballeira serves as a natural auditorium.

From the beginning, you can taste the gastronomic specialties: octopus, Padrón peppers, churrasco, potatoes, etc., and drink bottled wine for this purpose, or buy a commemorative t-shirt from the festival or a ticket for the drawing of a small lamb. Perhaps the most characteristic thing is that you can buy a clay pottery made by a potter from Buño, a very close locality, with an exclusive design every year, a purchase that is usually accompanied by a portion of empanada, a bottle of wine and the whole burned that everyone can drink until midnight.
