Ontology from Latin America is a research project and a task of the Latin American Philosophical Thinking. Seeds
The problem of being, so classic in Philosophy, has also been thought from the Latin American context. Some aboriginal languages, some contributions of metaphysical masters in colonial times, and some thinkers in the 20th century, are reported: José Vasconcelos, Juan David García Bacca, Agustín Basave, and Rodolfo Kusch, among others.
Currently, this project is led by the Tlamatinime Research Group on Latin American Ontology at Santo Tomás University (Bogotá, Colombia), the National University of General Sarmiento (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and the Ricardo Palma University (Lima, Peru).
The question that motivates this research is the classic question of Metaphysics: What is being ?, Question that has covered the whole history of philosophy from the Greeks to today. It is not an anthropological question since it is not asked by the human being (this is the responsibility of philosophical anthropology).
There is abundant bibliography that confirms what has been done in Ontology from Latin America, from our indigenous ancestors until today.
Indigenous Metaphysics
One of the first authors who does not hesitate to consider the depth of native thinking in Latin America is Miguel León-Portilla. And it is precisely from him "Metaphysical and theological ideas of the Nahuas", chapter III of Nahuatl philosophy, in which he shows the transcendental ideas of these Central American natives, reaching a glimpse of an ontological understanding as well. Nowadays, with the studies of different indigenous languages, it can be seen in some of them how far one can speak of an indigenous ontology.
Metaphysics and ontology in the Colony
The treatises on the problem of being in the Latin American colony have not been sufficiently studied. Mauricio Beuchot has studied some manuscripts of New Spain (Mexico), and in Colombia if there have been only two advances in this regard. However, these studies have shown that what was taught by the friars was not mere scholastic repetition, to say naive of some, but there are new developments and contributions that are worth studying carefully.
Current approaches to the problem of being
Who leads the current research on the problem of being is the already named Tlamatinime Research Group on Latin American Ontology, with projects such as: "The problem of time in Aymara thought: approach to an Andean ontology", "Towards an ontology Quechua: the manuscript of Pachacuti "," The melodic of being-being Latin American "," Metaphysics in the philosophical work of Ignacio Ellacuría "," Towards the ontology of being ", among others.
Cepeda H., Juan (2011). After the sense of being. Approaches to an ontology in Latin American perspective. Saarbrücken (Germany), Spanish Academic Editorial
Cepeda H., Juan (2010). Problems of metaphysics and ontology in Latin America, in: Concordia Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie, n ° 57
Kusch, Rodolfo (2000). Complete works. Rosario, Ross
Basabe, Agustín (1984). Treaty of metaphysics. Theory of "Habencia". Mexico, Limusa
García Bacca, Juan David (1964). Stabilized natural metaphysics and spontaneous metaphysical problems. Mexico, Economic Culture Fund
Vasconcelos, José (1929). Treaty of metaphysics. Mexico, Mexico Joven